Tag: Matua Aina

STOP, Let’s Think

We learned about how words can hurt even online. This means we talked about what we should do when someone says something mean online and how we don’t respond to them. We ignore their mean words and their mean behaviour.

Sometimes we get carried away with our emotions and we might say something mean too. So I have to think about my behaviour. Matua Aina shared some key sentences to remind us of what we can do in this situation eg. step away, tell a trusted adult, ok sites first and to pause and think online. We then had the task of making a poster so we could share some of our messages.

I enjoyed learning about how I should behave online and how I should make sure that my words are positive, thoughtful and helpful. I also think my learning about posters will also help in my other work.

Slides by Maddison


Today we made a piece of ANZAC art with google drawing and polylines. We used the fill button to make our shapes black so it looked like a silhouette.

I liked the part where we made our background to make it look like it was dusk at night. Next time, I will design my own background to show another part of ANZAC I learned about.

Next time, I would like to learn to use the polylines to make it less pointy and add more details. I would also like to describe my picture more and add a story to it.