Category: Hanga | Create

Baking – A New Experience

One of the fascinating things I learned was the fact that not everyone had baked before. We learned some tasty words which made us so hungry. It was the most interesting experience in our school day.

Drooling at the smells which drifted across the hall as we walked in, made our bellies grumble. What were we thinking?

Maddison said, “this is going to be so nice!” “mmm, scrumptious!” exclaimed Demitrius.

ANZAC cookie cook off


We learned how to measure accurately when converting grams to teaspoons and tablespoons. We learned how to find halves, quarters and thirds with fractions. We also learned how to read recipes. What a lot of learning especially when we then got to eat our learning! Yummy!

What are some of your favourite biscuits to make? Have a go at making this one and let us know how you got on. Happy baking!

ANZAC? What is it?

We learned important facts about ANZAC Day and how we commemorate this day as a country.  We feel grateful to all the soldiers who died to make our country free from war and peaceful for us to live in. We learned how the ‘Returned’ soldiers pull out their uniforms and their medals every year to commemorate their achievements alongside their comrades.

ANZAC biscuits were made by the soldiers wives and women’s group. They were made from preserved wheat and rolled oats so they would be kept well during the Naval transportation.

I enjoyed learning about the ANZACs because it made me realise what they sacrificed for me to live in New Zealand with freedom. I think we could have learned more with more time.

What did you do this ANZAC day to commemorate our ANZACs?  How would you show your learning digitally?

Moody Walk

I was not in the mood for anything but my tiger gave me a little comfort. I sat happily with my tiger and I felt playful again. I got up and went outside to realise the colour was gone in the sky. I thought the world was ending but suddenly I know I had to find somewhere safe to hide. We climbed up and up until I rested at the top of the mountain and I saw a cave so me and my tiger went in the cave. Me and Tom wondered when we would ever see the world again.

  • Ephraim


Cultural Celebrations Term 3, 2023

After lots of practice and hard work from Room 1 and 2, our celebration day finally arrived. All the effort put in by the tamariki paid off. Congratulations to our kapa haka group and a huge thanks to our helpers and your support. A fantastic display of our school values whanaungatanga, mannakitanga, and, Rangatiratanga. A very proud moment and, a beautiful performance, ka rawe!

Bike Safety Check

This week Room 2 have been riding the bikes. Before we ride the bikes we have to make sure we are safe.  To be safe we need to check that our helmet fits. The rules are… 1,2,2. we have to use one finger for the bottom strap to make sure it is tight enough. We use 2 fingers for the straps around our ears- and we use 2 fingers to make sure our helmet is in the correct position.


To make sure our bikes are safe we have to follow the steps.

A – Air – Squeeze the tyres to make sure they are firm.

B- Breaks – check the front and back breaks by squeezing the right and left break separately doing a small wheel stand.

C – Chain – check that the chain has oil on it is not too loose.

D – Direction – Stand infront of the bike and wiggle the handle bars to make sure the steering is not loose.

S – Seat – adjust the seat to the correct height.


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