Week 10, Term 3 – Monday Sports Reflection

Week 10, Term 3 – Sports with Room 1,2 and 10.

This week Room 1,2 and 10 are playing netball, volleyball and football. Our focus is on values and teamwork. Describe what was positive, negative about the games and suggest how we could improve the games.


11 thoughts on “Week 10, Term 3 – Monday Sports Reflection

  1. Monday sports

    This morning room 1 , 2, 10 were playing sports games. Our focus was on our values.

    I liked playing sports only because we were sharing the ball in netball, volleyball , and football.

    I didn’t like, what i didn’t like about the sport games was that everyone was yelling,

    I think we need to change , what we need to change is yelling so much when the ball goes out .

  2. Week 10, Monday Sports

    At school this morning Room 1,2 and 10 were playing sports games .Volleyball,Netball ,and Soccer. We need to improve some things but I think we need to be better so we can have fun and participate .

    I liked Netball because I liked the rules. AND it was fair.

    I didn’t like when Catherine wasn’t sharing the ball in Netball.

    We need to improve is teamwork because Catherine wasn’t sharing the ball because she was to competitive against everyone

  3. i liked that the ball got passed
    i didnt like one game football becaues pleople got hurt
    i thing we need change the games because we all played the games

  4. Monday sports.

    This morning room one , two ,ten were playing sport games.our focus on our values

    I liked that my team was sharing the ball when we were playing soccer, netball, volleyball .

    I didn’t like that everyone was yelling at each other only because the ball went out of the line.

    I think we need to change. I think we need to stop yelling at each other just because the ball went out of the line ,

    Playing sports was really fun because my team was sharing the ball with the rest of the teams and people , also i liked it because my team kick the ball so we had got a point .

  5. Week 10 Monday sports
    At school this morning Room 1 and 2 and Room10
    Played sports .

    Ellen was in charge of volleyball

    Alicia was in charge of soccer

    And zoe was in charge of netball

    My favorite sport that i played was volleyball
    Because it was really fun serving the ball
    And sharing the ball

    The thing that i didn’t like was that other teams were
    Making fun about my team losing

  6. The good thing about sports is that you always show good manners and share the ball. But the bad thing about sports is that you should never swear at your teammates for making a mistake. I liked netball and soccer the most. I liked running with my teammates and passing the ball around. The thing I like about netball is that I like throwing the ball to my teammates and trying to get the ball from the other team.

  7. I like netball because we all got a turn with the ball but the only thing was that we were not good at spreading out to get a goal.

  8. At School this morning Room 1,2 and 10 were playing sport
    Games. Our focus was on values i liked the netball because everyone had a turn

  9. My favorite game was netball because i like passing the ball to my teammate and having the ball

    I didn’t like i didn’t like where the other team were cheating.

  10. My favorite game was netball because i like passing the ball to my teammate and having the ball

    I didn’t like i didn’t like where the other team were cheating.

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