Room 2 Classroom Blogg, Term 3, Week 1, 2023.

Kia ora whanau,

A great start to Term 3! Rooms 1 and 2 went on an amazing trip to Rainbows End! A Huge Thank You to Papakura Marae, Tony Kake, a fantastic support team of new Aunties and Uncles, and a very generous sponsor. Even though the weather was a bit wet and chilly, the tamariki were not discouraged. Everyone enjoyed all the rides, lunch, and, ice cream sundae’s, yum, yum!



13 thoughts on “Room 2 Classroom Blogg, Term 3, Week 1, 2023.

  1. When you comment, say something positive about your experience, ask a question to continue the discussion.

    1. i went to rainbow end we went on the fearfall it was fun we went on the log and it was 9mins long next we went to gold rush we went on it 13 times by the way two other pleolpe are with me we had so much we went to eat next we all got a chicken burger and coke and icecream

  2. My favourite ride at rainbowends was the bumper boats,the bumper was amazing wanna know why? Its because the bumper boats was the funniest and funiest ride at rainbowends. And it makes you wet and that was funniest part of the theme park at rainbowends!!

  3. thank you for taking us to rainbow ends we had a really good time and i want to go back to rainbow ends and thank you looking after us we had fun

  4. We went to Rainbows End with Room 2 and 1. We had fun on the Roller Coaster.
    We went on the Bumper Boats and, we went on the Gold Rush. I was scared on the Fearfall.

  5. We went to Rainbows End. I loved Rainbow End I liked the bumper cars and, the bumper boats. I get scard some tlimes. I do not get scared any
    more. The bus came bake and we went bake to school . Then we went

  6. The trip to Rainbows End was so fun but my bum was so wet the whole day and it was really enoyable,’but i still had fun! My favourite ride was the log flume because.
    I liked seeing the fake dragons and fake unicorns. My favourite thing that I went on
    was the Log Fume, and, the the three headed dragon. It was really cool looking at it .
    When I went down the big slide it was so fun getting wet.

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